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Five reasons why education helps to achieve goals

Five reasons why education helps to achieve goals

Photo: Pinterest

No matter where you are—whether you’re a senior manager or a front-line employee—you can continue to grow and advance in your career and professional goals

And higher education gives you the shoes to take that next step.

In order to emphasize the importance of education, We introduce you to five reasons why it is worthwhile to continue with education.

When it comes to self-improvement, we know a lot of methods. To be in shape, eat right and exercise. To increase physical strength, you train and lift weights. To improve your memory, get enough sleep and learn new things on purpose.

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But what can you do to improve and advance your career?

No matter where you are—whether you’re a senior manager or a front-line employee—you can continue to grow and advance in your career and professional goals. And higher education gives you the shoes to take that next step.

Jacquelyn Smith, in an article for Forbes, states that many adults return to school because they want to advance their careers. The article also quotes author Laura Vanderkamp as saying that many believe that “additional education will help them achieve their career goals, such as earning more money – a raise, advancing in their current occupation, or starting something else.”

Education is an important step in staying competitive and improving your skills. Whether you’re starting your career or returning to continue building on your years of experience, pursuing educational training helps you continue to progress.

Gaining knowledge

When you complete your undergraduate or graduate studies, you will have practical skills and knowledge that you can apply in your workplace. For example; in the study of business administration you will learn the best practices in accounting to understand the financial aspects of your business, and in the management program you will learn the principles of leadership and how to deal with conflicts. Knowledge can be factual and practical; meaning that the facts learned are not just points of interest, but will be of great use in your current role and where you aspire to go. Just because you’ve reached a high position, doesn’t mean you should stop learning. Undergraduate and graduate degrees can help you build on your experience and expand your skills.

Improve skills

When you go back to school, you’ll learn much more than different management styles or creating an impactful presentation. You will also learn more subtle but equally important and useful skills. By this, we mean skills such as communication, teamwork, critical thinking, and problem-solving. Each of these skills can add to your value within the organization.

Demonstrate a strong work ethic

Squeezing your education into your work routine will most likely not make your schedule easier. A degree takes work and determination. But by doing so, you will demonstrate a strong work ethic to your team and your superiors. The desire for additional education is always something that superiors are happy to see. When their employees have the desire and initiative to expand their knowledge, this is a good sign that they will be of additional benefit to the company. Demonstrating a strong work ethic and commitment to your goals gives management hope that you can be successful in your work environment.

Boost your confidence

When you get your degree, you’ve taken a big step. Each new one is a nice addition to your resume. You gain knowledge, skills, and experience that will help you in your career and life in general. On top of that, by gaining additional communication and problem-solving skills and achieving your goals, you can also boost your self-confidence. Numerous studies have shown that greater self-confidence leads to greater career advancement.

Developing a social network

No, we’re not talking about adding new friends on Facebook. In the classroom, you have the opportunity to communicate and meet fellow students who may come from different professional backgrounds. Since the resume brings exposure to a wider professional network, you can meet people who may share similar interests. Your network, developed through your degree, can be a wealth of insight and information as you advance in your own career.

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