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Research: who are the happiest workers?

Research: who are the happiest workers?

Photo: Twitter

According to a recent study published in the Life Goals Report, people in the US have started to change their attitude

Instead of striving for big business ambitions and corporate growth, they now value a better balance between private and business life, they put health before money.

According to a recent study published in the Life Goals Report, people in the US have started to change their attitudes.

Instead of striving for big business ambitions and corporate growth, they now value a better balance between private and business life, put health before money, and want to do more with their hobbies and passions. Their focus is no longer on how their life fits into their work, but on how their work fits into their life.

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Flexibility of independent work

The research showed that the self-employed are more satisfied with the balance between private and business life. 63% of them are satisfied with the time they spend with their family, while only 55% of company employees said so. This may be due to the flexibility that freelancing often offers and is the most common reason people choose to be self-employed.

The self-employed are also more likely to be considered more successful. 64% of them think that they have achieved personal growth (compared to 54% of company employees), and 65% of them are satisfied with how much they help others (compared to 59% of employees).

Satisfaction with work

When it comes to earnings, it is interesting that there is no difference between self-employed and company employees – 42% of both groups are satisfied with their earnings. However, another survey showed that corporate workers are more satisfied with their pay – 76% compared to 68% of the self-employed.

According to research published in Life Goals Report, the self-employed often choose this style of work because it is easier to find meaning in work and life, and they want to do what makes them happy and what they like to do. Americans generally have three goals when it comes to careers: earn a steady income, do “meaningful” work, and work in an industry that interests them. However, the only place where the corporate business has proven to be better is in income stability.

Digital nomads

Research has shown that self-employed and corporate workers are less satisfied with their life and work than digital nomads. Digital nomads are the most successful in as many as eight categories: helping others, spending time with family, providing meaning in life, feeling fulfilled, getting the most out of life, continuous personal growth, and building conditions for retirement and earning.

Balancing work and private life

Not all self-employed people achieve their life goals, which is a fact. Although the majority of self-employed people in the US successfully find meaning in their work, a third of them are not satisfied with their work style. These are usually people who would rather have a traditional corporate job. They do not have a good balance between work and private life, nor the control and autonomy that self-employed people normally have. This puts them at a disadvantage – they don’t have a stable income, flexible working hours, or a sense that their work is meaningful and fulfilling.

However, self-employed people who find meaning in their work and who use flexibility and opportunities for training are the most satisfied workers. They are successful in balancing their lifestyle and work, they do not live only for work or count the days until the end of the project.

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