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What every potential employee should have

What every potential employee should have


Literacy at work, respect in the business world, what every employee should have, what are the qualities of a good worker, and why it is good to take notes

How important is literacy in business?

In addition to oral communication in business and professional life, it is necessary to know how to communicate in writing. Writing business letters and letters or memoranda is an area that is clearly defined and in which there is not much room for improvisation.

Every business letter, in addition to the information and message it sends, also transmits information about the professionalism of the person sending it, about business culture and knowledge of business etiquette, as well as the identity of the person the sender represents. In other words, it is a mirror of you and the organization you represent.

If we add to that the fact that words “fly” and letters stay forever, then that trace and impression remain longer and more permanently present in the business world than the conversation you conducted orally. Accordingly, we are of the opinion that the knowledge and skill of proper written communication is a solid basis of good professional behavior and business etiquette, which ultimately forms the framework of a professional image. Creating a name or branding is a concept that we will still encounter in the world of business etiquette.

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Respect in the business world – how to get it

You need to know how to gain respect in the business world, and this applies to all areas of your life. It is not easy to acquire and respect is something that is built up over the years. Once you get it, you should make an effort to keep it. You have to keep a few things in mind if you want others to respect you, and you should adopt some virtues in this regard and apply them to yourself and others every day.

It’s not enough to just do your job, you need to help others and be a team player. It takes a lot of patience to fit in. You must be kind, and polite, keep your promises, value others, and respect others. When you do all this and do it every day, you build yourself up and thereby allow others to appreciate and respect you for doing such things. They say that work and private life never mix, but the rules of conduct at work and in private life should mix because that’s how you’ll learn to behave and that will reflect on your character and how others will see you. What should not be brought to work are private problems, unprofessionalism, laziness, and similar things. Everything you do to others comes back to you like a boomerang and you should keep that in mind. Once you gain respect in the business world,

What every potential employee should have

There are some qualities that every employee should have, regardless of what they do. Of course, the employee should also have knowledge about the job, i.e. the profession he is engaged in, certain education, and experience in order to get a job. In addition, all employers look for other qualities because they want people they can count on and have confidence in.

Employers are looking for a potential employee to be responsible, This means that he takes the job and the tasks he has to complete seriously, that he is not late for work, and that he is well organized because good organization means a job well done. Confidence is also essential, you must not be shy or afraid to talk, and you must show your skills. Communication skills are also important, you need to know how to talk to others properly which means you must not stutter all the time, and you need to know what to say at a certain moment and what not to say. Computer literacy, such as working in Excel and Word, is extremely important because today you cannot achieve much without it. You should know how to work as a team player, especially in larger companies, you have to be able to adapt to different people and characters.

What are the qualities of a good worker?

Various studies deal with the topic of qualities that employers value in workers. The basic prerequisite for a worker to perform his job well is to be assigned to a workplace in accordance with his knowledge and professional skills. Different types of jobs require different qualities of workers, however, there are certain character qualities that everyone seems to value.

Organization and punctuality are high on the list of qualities that employers value in workers. Employers want the worker to perform the work entrusted to him in a given time and in a high-quality manner. Today, in a time of rapid and general changes, one quality in particular comes to the fore, and that is adaptability. Workers, regardless of the type of work they perform today, must be ready for changes and manage well in different problem situations. Workers who remain “cool-headed” in stressful situations are also highly valued. Communication skills, whether verbal or written, are high on the priority list. Enthusiasm and the desire to acquire new knowledge are especially appreciated among younger workers who have yet to prove themselves professionally.

Why it is good to write down

As you learn and select important information while reading, you should take notes. There are people who do not like to write down, they prefer to just highlight important parts with a marker and read endlessly. However taking notes while reading will clarify and refine the text, which you will later be able to repeat and remember more easily. The purpose of taking notes is not only to record important information. It keeps you actively involved and makes you think about the build. What you visualize now physically helps you understand and remember information. Writing is also a kinesthetic action – movement and movement is strongly connected with memory. If you also turn the text you are reading at least occasionally into symbols and drawings on paper, you have additionally employed your sense of sight. The more senses you activate while reading, the more you will engage your brain, which means you will understand and remember better. However, it is very important that this writing is not a rewriting. Try to use as many of your own words as possible. Notes should be as concise as possible, that is, shorten and condense to the smallest possible number of words, while still making these notes understandable to you when you repeat them. This will force you to paraphrase the material but also to think about it. The more you think about it, the better you will understand and remember it. Structure and organize your notes to create connections between ideas. Create your own abbreviations and symbols. Not only do you cut down on note-taking time, but you also turn the information into something personal and relatable. Do not write down by reading sentence by sentence. Read at least a paragraph, and even better a chapter, and only then choose what is important. While writing, do not look at the text, try to write it down from memory (you’ll probably still need to glance at the text here and there). This way you will be forced to remember and use your own words.

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